Along with the new name, the startup adopted a new look, which co-founders and best friends Mollie Cha and Hannah Hong say will help the product pop on shelf and evoke the products’ taste-appeal for a one-two punch that they hope will drive strong sales as the company expands distribution nationwide and explores new channels.

“It is a pretty big change, and we love the Hakuna Banana brand and name. It is always going to be our first baby. But having two different bases with two different brand names was a little bit challenging for us to leverage each for growth for both brands,”​ Hong said. “So, it was something strategic we’ve been thinking about to bring Hakuna Banana and Totes Oats together.”

She explained that the new brand name – Must Love – comes from the core value of the company, which is the friendship Hong and Cha share.

“Molly and I have been best friends for 16 years, and the name ‘Must Love’ really comes from that place of friendship and love we have for each other and for nice-cream,”​ Hong said, laughing that it “sounds really cheesy,”​ but noting that the “pinnacle of branding is to be able to evoke a feeling in consumers that goes beyond the product attributes, such as no refined sugar or plant-based,”​ and the ideas of love and friendship for most people trigger positive feelings.

The brand name also brings together and yet distinguish the two lines of nice-cream by appearing in bold lettering above either bananas or oats at the top of the pints or boxes of bars.