
Sarah Stultz: The summer vegetable that keeps on giving - Albert Lea Tribune - Albert Lea Tribune

Nose for news by Sarah Stultz

Have you ever heard of the plant that keeps on giving?

You know, that plant that keeps producing even though it has been weeks since you weeded around it and that you might have forgotten (intentionally) to water?

For us the last few years, this has been our zucchini plants.

They started producing early and then encountered a few problems with squash bugs — but once those were eradicated, the plants have produced for weeks on end.

I have peeled, cut and shredded dozens of zucchinis, most of which have been transformed into zucchini bread and then given away or packed away in the freezer to pull out during the winter when I’m daydreaming about getting back into the garden. 

Last year, we had probably three dozen loaves in the freezer, and this year we’ll probably reach about half of that.

It’s a blessing and a curse because we’re pretty much addicted to the zucchini bread — a recipe that I grew up making with my dad — so one loaf doesn’t last long in our house.

I have likened it to the muffin family multiple times in the last few weeks to allow myself a piece for breakfast, even. And then of course, there’s snacks, desserts and the list goes on. Needless to say, I could eat it any time of day.

Everytime I try to implement zucchini into a healthy recipe, something comes up and my day gets busy and the recipe gets set aside for another day and then never gets made.

Then, a few days later, in an attempt to use all the veggies on my counter before they go bad, I end up making multiple batches of zucchini bread at a time. This year I ventured out a little to make brownies, which will be featured in our next issue of Albert Lea Magazine.

What does everyone else do with their zucchini?

I love the story one of my co-workers shared about the vegetable that keeps on giving with her own family. A few years back, she and her husband implemented the ding dong ditch method to gift some zucchini to unsuspecting friends and family.

Maybe that’s a method I will have to try one of these days — maybe even with zucchini bread.

Well, it’s time to get another batch in. Let me know if you like zucchini bread!

Sarah Stultz is the managing editor of the Tribune. Her column appears every Wednesday.

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August 25, 2021 at 08:46AM

Sarah Stultz: The summer vegetable that keeps on giving - Albert Lea Tribune - Albert Lea Tribune
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