
Global Oats Market to Reach $7.4 Billion by 2026 - GlobeNewswire

New York, June 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- announces the release of the report "Global Oats Industry" -
Oats or Avena Sativa are known for their sweet flavor which have made them an ideal breakfast cereal ingredient. Oat has been recognised as a healthful and nutritious cereal containing high concentration of soluble fibre and dense nutrients. Oatmeal and other whole-grain oat products are a tasty, a convenient, and an economical source of nutrients that can provide proven health benefits, including benefits on blood cholesterol, blood pressure, blood glucose metabolism, satiety, and gastrointestinal health. Amid the COVID-19 crisis, the global market for Oats estimated at US$5.2 Billion in the year 2020, is projected to reach a revised size of US$7.4 Billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 5.9% over the analysis period. Oat Groats, one of the segments analyzed in the report, is projected to record a 5.7% CAGR and reach US$5.7 Billion by the end of the analysis period. After a thorough analysis of the business implications of the pandemic and its induced economic crisis, growth in the Rolled Oats segment is readjusted to a revised 6.2% CAGR for the next 7-year period.

- The U.S. Market is Estimated at $1.3 Billion in 2021, While China is Forecast to Reach $901.9 Million by 2026

- The Oats market in the U.S. is estimated at US$1.3 Billion in the year 2021. China, the world`s second largest economy, is forecast to reach a projected market size of US$901.9 Million by the year 2026 trailing a CAGR of 8.5% over the analysis period. Among the other noteworthy geographic markets are Japan and Canada, each forecast to grow at 4.2% and 5.4% respectively over the 2020-2027 period. Within Europe, Germany is forecast to grow at approximately 4.5% CAGR. In these regional markets fast-paced lifestyles and growing awareness of the health benefits of oats are leading to increased consumption of ready-to-eat oats as a breakfast choice. Easy availability of oats in retail stores and online platforms is also another boost for the growing market. Supermarkets are the main distribution channel for the oatmeal industry. Consumers can shop for various brands and products as per their preferences. Instant oatmeal is the most sought-after consumer choice. It is quick to cook and comes in a range of flavors. The growing global epidemic of obesity and the increased spending on obesity management products and treatments bodes well for increased demand for and consumption of oats as a cost effective, natural and safest way to manage obesity and its undesirable impact on health.

Oats Flour Segment to Reach $785.2 Million

- Oat Flour is whole-grain flour made of rich nutrients such as fiber, chromium, magnesium, vitamin B1, biotin, copper, phosphorous, molybdenum, and manganese. Growth in this segment is benefiting from the growing popularity of oats based bakery products such as oats cookies, oats breads, and oats muffins. In the global Oats Flour segment, USA, Canada, Japan, China and Europe will drive the 6.2% CAGR estimated for this segment. These regional markets accounting for a combined market size of US$405.9 Million in the year 2020 will reach a projected size of US$618 Million by the close of the analysis period. China will remain among the fastest growing in this cluster of regional markets. Led by countries such as Australia, India, and South Korea, the market in Asia-Pacific is forecast to reach US$79.5 Million by the year 2026, while Latin America will expand at a 8.4% CAGR through the analysis period.
Select Competitors (Total 68 Featured)

  • Avena Foods, Limited
  • B&G Foods, Inc.
  • Bagrrys India Ltd.
  • Blue Lake Milling
  • Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods
  • General Mills, Inc.
  • Grain Millers, Inc.
  • Kellogg Company
  • Marico Ltd.
  • Mills Enterprises Ltd Oy
  • Morning Foods Ltd
  • Nature’s Path Foods, Inc.
  • Nestle SA
  • Now Health Group, Inc.
  • Pioneer Food Group Ltd.
  • Post Holdings, Inc.
  • Richardson International Ltd.
  • The Hain Celestial Group, Inc.
  • The Quaker Oats Company
  • Unigrain Pty Ltd.

Read the full report:




Impact of Covid-19 and a Looming Global Recession
EXHIBIT 1: World Economic Growth Projections (Real GDP, Annual
% Change) for 2019 to 2022
COVID-19 Impact on Food Industry, Market Reset & the New Normal
COVID-19 Impact on Oats Market
Myriad Health Benefits of Whole Grains and High Fiber Diet to
Drive Widespread Consumption
Fiber: The Out and Out Growth Driver
EXHIBIT 2: Fiber Composition in Select Whole Grains
Emergence of Oats as a Functional Food
Oats - A Prelude
Product Types
Global Oats Market Set to Witness Rapid Growth
Europe and US Lead, Asia-Pacific to Witness Fastest Growth
Recent Market Activity


Growing Health Consciousness Drives the Global Oats Market
Health & Wellness: A Ballooning Industry With a Robust Growth
Poor Dietary Patterns a Chief Causative Factor Pushing Up the
Burden of Chronic Diseases
EXHIBIT 3: Rising Prevalence of Chronic Diseases Amplifies the
Importance of Healthy Diets & Wellness Food: Global Cost of
Chronic Diseases (In US$ Billion) for the Years 2018 and 2030
EXHIBIT 4: Global Cancer Incidence: Number of New Cancer Cases
in Million for the Years 2018, 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035 and 2040
Growing Aging Population Increases the Demand for Oats
EXHIBIT 5: Expanding Elderly Population Worldwide: Breakdown of
Number of People Aged 65+ Years in Million by Geographic
Region for the Years 2019 and 2030
Rise in New Diseases Associated With Low Fiber Diseases Turns
the Spotlight On Oats
Organic Functional Foods: Crossover of Organics and Functional
Plant Milk for Digestive Wellness
Rising Popularity of Oats for Preventing Cardiovascular
Diseases Drive Market Growth
EXHIBIT 6: Global Annual Medical Cost of CVD in US$ Billion:
2010, 2015, 2020, 2025 and 2030
EXHIBIT 7: Fatalities by Heart Conditions: Estimated Percentage
Breakdown for Cardiovascular Disease, Ischemic Heart Disease,
Stroke, and Others
Rise in Diabetes Spurs the Popularity of Oats as a Disease
Management Health Food
EXHIBIT 8: World Diabetes and Population Statistics (2019, 2030 &
Growing Prominence of Oats in Weight Management Augurs Well for
Market Demand
EXHIBIT 9: Global Obesity Epidemic: Percentage of Overweight,
Obese, and Severely Obese Adults for 2014 & 2025
Gluten-Free Oat Products Witness Increased Demand but
Production Faces the Contamination Challenge
Innovative Oats and Oatmeal Products Bode Well for Market
Rising Demand for Oat-based Snacks
Oats Gains Popularity in Personal Care Industry
Select Oat Milk Based Beauty Products
Gluten-Free Ingredients to Substitute Oats
Growing Focus on Digestive Health and Wellness Augurs Well for
Market Growth
Probiotics Remain the Preferred Ingredient for Gut Health Foods
Online Marketing Opens Up New Avenues of Growth
Millennials Inclination towards Fitness Drive Market Gains
EXHIBIT 10: Global Millennials Population Spread by Region: 2019
EXHIBIT 11: Millennial Population as a Percentage (%) of Total
Population in Select Countries: 2019
Rapid Urbanization Drives Demand Prospects for Oats
EXHIBIT 12: World Urban Population in Million and as Percentage
of Total Population for the Period 1950-2050P
Growing Middle Class Population Propels the Demand for Oats
EXHIBIT 13: Global Middle Class Population (in Millions) and as
a Percentage of Total Population: 2005, 2015, 2025 & 2035

Table 1: World Current & Future Analysis for Oats by Geographic
Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin
America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis
of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2020 through 2027 and

Table 2: World Historic Review for Oats by Geographic Region -
USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America,
Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual
Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2012 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 3: World 15-Year Perspective for Oats by Geographic
Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for USA, Canada,
Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East
and Africa Markets for Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 4: World Current & Future Analysis for Oat Groats by
Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe,
Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets -
Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years
2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 5: World Historic Review for Oat Groats by Geographic
Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin
America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis
of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2012 through 2019 and

Table 6: World 15-Year Perspective for Oat Groats by Geographic
Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for USA, Canada,
Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East
and Africa for Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 7: World Current & Future Analysis for Rolled Oats by
Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe,
Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets -
Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years
2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 8: World Historic Review for Rolled Oats by Geographic
Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin
America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis
of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2012 through 2019 and

Table 9: World 15-Year Perspective for Rolled Oats by
Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for
USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America,
Middle East and Africa for Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 10: World Current & Future Analysis for Oats Flour by
Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe,
Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets -
Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years
2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 11: World Historic Review for Oats Flour by Geographic
Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin
America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis
of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2012 through 2019 and

Table 12: World 15-Year Perspective for Oats Flour by
Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for
USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America,
Middle East and Africa for Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 13: World Current & Future Analysis for
Hypermarket/Supermarket by Geographic Region - USA, Canada,
Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East
and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in
US$ Thousand for Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 14: World Historic Review for Hypermarket/Supermarket by
Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe,
Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets -
Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years
2012 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 15: World 15-Year Perspective for Hypermarket/Supermarket
by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for
USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America,
Middle East and Africa for Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 16: World Current & Future Analysis for Convenience
Stores by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China,
Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa
Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand
for Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 17: World Historic Review for Convenience Stores by
Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe,
Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets -
Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years
2012 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 18: World 15-Year Perspective for Convenience Stores by
Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for
USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America,
Middle East and Africa for Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 19: World Current & Future Analysis for Online Retail by
Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe,
Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets -
Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years
2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 20: World Historic Review for Online Retail by Geographic
Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin
America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis
of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2012 through 2019 and

Table 21: World 15-Year Perspective for Online Retail by
Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for
USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America,
Middle East and Africa for Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 22: World Current & Future Analysis for Other
Distribution Channels by Geographic Region - USA, Canada,
Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East
and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in
US$ Thousand for Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 23: World Historic Review for Other Distribution Channels
by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe,
Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets -
Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years
2012 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 24: World 15-Year Perspective for Other Distribution
Channels by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value
Sales for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific,
Latin America, Middle East and Africa for Years 2012, 2020 &

Table 25: World Current & Future Analysis for Breakfast Cereals
by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe,
Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets -
Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years
2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 26: World Historic Review for Breakfast Cereals by
Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe,
Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets -
Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years
2012 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 27: World 15-Year Perspective for Breakfast Cereals by
Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for
USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America,
Middle East and Africa for Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 28: World Current & Future Analysis for Bakery Products
by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe,
Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets -
Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years
2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 29: World Historic Review for Bakery Products by
Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe,
Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets -
Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years
2012 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 30: World 15-Year Perspective for Bakery Products by
Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for
USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America,
Middle East and Africa for Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 31: World Current & Future Analysis for Snacks & Savory
by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe,
Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets -
Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years
2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 32: World Historic Review for Snacks & Savory by
Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe,
Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets -
Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years
2012 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 33: World 15-Year Perspective for Snacks & Savory by
Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for
USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America,
Middle East and Africa for Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 34: World Current & Future Analysis for Other End-Uses by
Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe,
Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets -
Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years
2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 35: World Historic Review for Other End-Uses by
Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe,
Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets -
Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years
2012 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 36: World 15-Year Perspective for Other End-Uses by
Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for
USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America,
Middle East and Africa for Years 2012, 2020 & 2027


Table 37: USA Current & Future Analysis for Oats by Product
Type - Oat Groats, Rolled Oats and Oats Flour - Independent
Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2020
through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 38: USA Historic Review for Oats by Product Type - Oat
Groats, Rolled Oats and Oats Flour Markets - Independent
Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2012 through
2019 and % CAGR

Table 39: USA 15-Year Perspective for Oats by Product Type -
Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Oat Groats, Rolled Oats
and Oats Flour for the Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 40: USA Current & Future Analysis for Oats by
Distribution Channel - Hypermarket/Supermarket, Convenience
Stores, Online Retail and Other Distribution Channels -
Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the
Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 41: USA Historic Review for Oats by Distribution Channel -
Hypermarket/Supermarket, Convenience Stores, Online Retail
and Other Distribution Channels Markets - Independent Analysis
of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2012 through 2019 and

Table 42: USA 15-Year Perspective for Oats by Distribution
Channel - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for
Hypermarket/Supermarket, Convenience Stores, Online Retail and
Other Distribution Channels for the Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 43: USA Current & Future Analysis for Oats by End-Use -
Breakfast Cereals, Bakery Products, Snacks & Savory and Other
End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand
for the Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 44: USA Historic Review for Oats by End-Use - Breakfast
Cereals, Bakery Products, Snacks & Savory and Other End-Uses
Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand
for Years 2012 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 45: USA 15-Year Perspective for Oats by End-Use -
Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Breakfast Cereals,
Bakery Products, Snacks & Savory and Other End-Uses for the
Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 46: Canada Current & Future Analysis for Oats by Product
Type - Oat Groats, Rolled Oats and Oats Flour - Independent
Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2020
through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 47: Canada Historic Review for Oats by Product Type - Oat
Groats, Rolled Oats and Oats Flour Markets - Independent
Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2012 through
2019 and % CAGR

Table 48: Canada 15-Year Perspective for Oats by Product Type -
Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Oat Groats, Rolled Oats
and Oats Flour for the Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 49: Canada Current & Future Analysis for Oats by
Distribution Channel - Hypermarket/Supermarket, Convenience
Stores, Online Retail and Other Distribution Channels -
Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the
Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 50: Canada Historic Review for Oats by Distribution
Channel - Hypermarket/Supermarket, Convenience Stores, Online
Retail and Other Distribution Channels Markets - Independent
Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2012 through
2019 and % CAGR

Table 51: Canada 15-Year Perspective for Oats by Distribution
Channel - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for
Hypermarket/Supermarket, Convenience Stores, Online Retail and
Other Distribution Channels for the Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 52: Canada Current & Future Analysis for Oats by End-Use -
Breakfast Cereals, Bakery Products, Snacks & Savory and Other
End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand
for the Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 53: Canada Historic Review for Oats by End-Use -
Breakfast Cereals, Bakery Products, Snacks & Savory and Other
End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$
Thousand for Years 2012 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 54: Canada 15-Year Perspective for Oats by End-Use -
Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Breakfast Cereals,
Bakery Products, Snacks & Savory and Other End-Uses for the
Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 55: Japan Current & Future Analysis for Oats by Product
Type - Oat Groats, Rolled Oats and Oats Flour - Independent
Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2020
through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 56: Japan Historic Review for Oats by Product Type - Oat
Groats, Rolled Oats and Oats Flour Markets - Independent
Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2012 through
2019 and % CAGR

Table 57: Japan 15-Year Perspective for Oats by Product Type -
Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Oat Groats, Rolled Oats
and Oats Flour for the Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 58: Japan Current & Future Analysis for Oats by
Distribution Channel - Hypermarket/Supermarket, Convenience
Stores, Online Retail and Other Distribution Channels -
Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the
Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 59: Japan Historic Review for Oats by Distribution
Channel - Hypermarket/Supermarket, Convenience Stores, Online
Retail and Other Distribution Channels Markets - Independent
Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2012 through
2019 and % CAGR

Table 60: Japan 15-Year Perspective for Oats by Distribution
Channel - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for
Hypermarket/Supermarket, Convenience Stores, Online Retail and
Other Distribution Channels for the Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 61: Japan Current & Future Analysis for Oats by End-Use -
Breakfast Cereals, Bakery Products, Snacks & Savory and Other
End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand
for the Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 62: Japan Historic Review for Oats by End-Use - Breakfast
Cereals, Bakery Products, Snacks & Savory and Other End-Uses
Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand
for Years 2012 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 63: Japan 15-Year Perspective for Oats by End-Use -
Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Breakfast Cereals,
Bakery Products, Snacks & Savory and Other End-Uses for the
Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 64: China Current & Future Analysis for Oats by Product
Type - Oat Groats, Rolled Oats and Oats Flour - Independent
Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2020
through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 65: China Historic Review for Oats by Product Type - Oat
Groats, Rolled Oats and Oats Flour Markets - Independent
Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2012 through
2019 and % CAGR

Table 66: China 15-Year Perspective for Oats by Product Type -
Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Oat Groats, Rolled Oats
and Oats Flour for the Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 67: China Current & Future Analysis for Oats by
Distribution Channel - Hypermarket/Supermarket, Convenience
Stores, Online Retail and Other Distribution Channels -
Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the
Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 68: China Historic Review for Oats by Distribution
Channel - Hypermarket/Supermarket, Convenience Stores, Online
Retail and Other Distribution Channels Markets - Independent
Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2012 through
2019 and % CAGR

Table 69: China 15-Year Perspective for Oats by Distribution
Channel - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for
Hypermarket/Supermarket, Convenience Stores, Online Retail and
Other Distribution Channels for the Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 70: China Current & Future Analysis for Oats by End-Use -
Breakfast Cereals, Bakery Products, Snacks & Savory and Other
End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand
for the Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 71: China Historic Review for Oats by End-Use - Breakfast
Cereals, Bakery Products, Snacks & Savory and Other End-Uses
Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand
for Years 2012 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 72: China 15-Year Perspective for Oats by End-Use -
Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Breakfast Cereals,
Bakery Products, Snacks & Savory and Other End-Uses for the
Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 73: Europe Current & Future Analysis for Oats by
Geographic Region - France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, Russia
and Rest of Europe Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual
Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 74: Europe Historic Review for Oats by Geographic Region -
France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, Russia and Rest of Europe
Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand
for Years 2012 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 75: Europe 15-Year Perspective for Oats by Geographic
Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for France,
Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, Russia and Rest of Europe Markets
for Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 76: Europe Current & Future Analysis for Oats by Product
Type - Oat Groats, Rolled Oats and Oats Flour - Independent
Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2020
through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 77: Europe Historic Review for Oats by Product Type - Oat
Groats, Rolled Oats and Oats Flour Markets - Independent
Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2012 through
2019 and % CAGR

Table 78: Europe 15-Year Perspective for Oats by Product Type -
Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Oat Groats, Rolled Oats
and Oats Flour for the Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 79: Europe Current & Future Analysis for Oats by
Distribution Channel - Hypermarket/Supermarket, Convenience
Stores, Online Retail and Other Distribution Channels -
Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the
Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 80: Europe Historic Review for Oats by Distribution
Channel - Hypermarket/Supermarket, Convenience Stores, Online
Retail and Other Distribution Channels Markets - Independent
Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2012 through
2019 and % CAGR

Table 81: Europe 15-Year Perspective for Oats by Distribution
Channel - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for
Hypermarket/Supermarket, Convenience Stores, Online Retail and
Other Distribution Channels for the Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 82: Europe Current & Future Analysis for Oats by End-Use -
Breakfast Cereals, Bakery Products, Snacks & Savory and Other
End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand
for the Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 83: Europe Historic Review for Oats by End-Use -
Breakfast Cereals, Bakery Products, Snacks & Savory and Other
End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$
Thousand for Years 2012 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 84: Europe 15-Year Perspective for Oats by End-Use -
Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Breakfast Cereals,
Bakery Products, Snacks & Savory and Other End-Uses for the
Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 85: France Current & Future Analysis for Oats by Product
Type - Oat Groats, Rolled Oats and Oats Flour - Independent
Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2020
through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 86: France Historic Review for Oats by Product Type - Oat
Groats, Rolled Oats and Oats Flour Markets - Independent
Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2012 through
2019 and % CAGR

Table 87: France 15-Year Perspective for Oats by Product Type -
Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Oat Groats, Rolled Oats
and Oats Flour for the Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 88: France Current & Future Analysis for Oats by
Distribution Channel - Hypermarket/Supermarket, Convenience
Stores, Online Retail and Other Distribution Channels -
Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the
Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 89: France Historic Review for Oats by Distribution
Channel - Hypermarket/Supermarket, Convenience Stores, Online
Retail and Other Distribution Channels Markets - Independent
Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2012 through
2019 and % CAGR

Table 90: France 15-Year Perspective for Oats by Distribution
Channel - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for
Hypermarket/Supermarket, Convenience Stores, Online Retail and
Other Distribution Channels for the Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 91: France Current & Future Analysis for Oats by End-Use -
Breakfast Cereals, Bakery Products, Snacks & Savory and Other
End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand
for the Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 92: France Historic Review for Oats by End-Use -
Breakfast Cereals, Bakery Products, Snacks & Savory and Other
End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$
Thousand for Years 2012 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 93: France 15-Year Perspective for Oats by End-Use -
Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Breakfast Cereals,
Bakery Products, Snacks & Savory and Other End-Uses for the
Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 94: Germany Current & Future Analysis for Oats by Product
Type - Oat Groats, Rolled Oats and Oats Flour - Independent
Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2020
through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 95: Germany Historic Review for Oats by Product Type -
Oat Groats, Rolled Oats and Oats Flour Markets - Independent
Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2012 through
2019 and % CAGR

Table 96: Germany 15-Year Perspective for Oats by Product Type -
Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Oat Groats, Rolled
Oats and Oats Flour for the Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 97: Germany Current & Future Analysis for Oats by
Distribution Channel - Hypermarket/Supermarket, Convenience
Stores, Online Retail and Other Distribution Channels -
Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the
Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 98: Germany Historic Review for Oats by Distribution
Channel - Hypermarket/Supermarket, Convenience Stores, Online
Retail and Other Distribution Channels Markets - Independent
Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2012 through
2019 and % CAGR

Table 99: Germany 15-Year Perspective for Oats by Distribution
Channel - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for
Hypermarket/Supermarket, Convenience Stores, Online Retail and
Other Distribution Channels for the Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 100: Germany Current & Future Analysis for Oats by
End-Use - Breakfast Cereals, Bakery Products, Snacks & Savory
and Other End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in
US$ Thousand for the Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 101: Germany Historic Review for Oats by End-Use -
Breakfast Cereals, Bakery Products, Snacks & Savory and Other
End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$
Thousand for Years 2012 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 102: Germany 15-Year Perspective for Oats by End-Use -
Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Breakfast Cereals,
Bakery Products, Snacks & Savory and Other End-Uses for the
Years 2012, 2020 & 2027

Table 103: Italy Current & Future Analysis for Oats by Product
Type - Oat Groats, Rolled Oats and Oats Flour - Independent
Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for the Years 2020
through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 104: Italy Historic Review for Oats by Product Type - Oat
Groats, Rolled Oats and Oats Flour Markets - Independent
Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Thousand for Years 2012 through
2019 and % CAGR

Table 105: Italy 15-Year Perspective for Oats by Product Type -
Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Oat Groats, Rolled Oats
and Oats Flour for the Years 2012, 20
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June 23, 2021 at 07:06PM

Global Oats Market to Reach $7.4 Billion by 2026 - GlobeNewswire
"oat" - Google News

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